Christmas food is awesome and there is always lots of it around during the season. There are just so many things we get to enjoy this time of year.
Sausage Balls - I don't know why but they make me think of Christmas. Probably because lots of years we have them Christmas morning at Mom & Dad's after all the presents have been opened, the trash is picked up, and the parade is on TV. They are definitely tasty goodness.
Peppermint anything - Shakes (already being sold at Chick-fil-A), fudge, almond bark, canes, hot's all delicious and really says Christmas. I definitely enjoy my share of it during the holidays.
Cookies, bars, etc. - I attend an annual girl's Christmas party every year and in recent years we've started a cookie exchange. Talk about awesome. The women that attend are great cooks and very creative. There might be peanut butter cookies with a Hershey's kiss melted in the middle, pretzels with a tootsie roll and M&M melted on top, chocolate chip cookies, various bars, cake's all fantastic. I look forward to this get together all year long!
And don't forget about making Christmas sugar cookies. I love them! You get the fun of rolling the dough, cutting them in to cute shapes, and creatively decorating them with icing. The best part? After your done it's time to eat them!!!
Side dishes - I love my mom's Broccoli, Rice & Cheese Casserole. It's the perfect side to take to potlucks during the holidays. I've learned to make it pretty good too. Cranberry sauce is another favorite of mine. Nothing says Thanksgiving & Christmas dinner better. Of course there are the traditional mashed potatoes. You can't have a holiday meal without those.
Meat - We always have turkey and ham during the Christmas season. Brisket is sometimes thrown in there as well. Yum!
Chocolates - Anyone who knows me knows I'm a huge fan of chocolate. This especially rings true during Christmas time. My favorites are Reese's in the shape of Christmas trees and toy soldiers. There is just something about them being in those shapes that makes them taste better. Then of course there are the red and green M&M's and chocolate covered cherries...I can't get through the holidays without those.
I look forward to enjoying all these treats with Christmas time rapidly approaching. Of course come January 1st it'll be time to head straight for the gym and be strict on the diet. But we'll just worry about that then! ;-)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Red Writing's TWOC - #3 Accent Craft

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Autumn at the Arboretum
Jo & Glo
I kept Jonah & Glory during the day Saturday while Justin worked a double shift at the fire station and Keelie worked at The Mission. I love those kids. They are so much fun. Plus at the end of the day I get to give them back and go home alone. Hehe. But really, they are great. We had fun playing outside. Glory enjoyed her swing for a little while, although she had a cold and was a bit fussy after a bit and just wanted me to hold her and walk around. Jonah loved being outside, digging up worms, picking up rocks, and tree climbing. Tree climbing made me a bit nervous and after he got his foot stuck and I had to wiggle it out while holding Glory at the same time I told him tree climbing was over. He was pretty cute while up there though and exclaimed "I can see all of Gunter. I can see God!". I always have fun stories after spending the day with these little ones.
tree climbing
The original plan for Saturday was for me to take Jonah Halloween costume shopping, but after Justin had to stay at work I kept the kiddos until Keelie was done with The Mission work. Keelie had to borrow my car that morning because her battery was dead and after she ran home to drop my car back off and get a ride with Lindsey to head to another Mission appointment Jonah exclaimed "Now we're NEVER going to get to go get my costume!" It was hilarious. I told him that his mommy and Glory might go shopping with us and he told me he didn't want them to. Haha. While playing outside Glory was fussing some and Jonah said "Kristi...I don't think she likes you." I told him that made me sad and then he goes "Haha. I'm just kidding!". Such a stinker. Oh and speaking of stinker, I called Glory one as she crawl-sprinted out of the play room. Jonah said "Kristi, we don't call people stinker. That is calling someone a name and that is not nice." I let him know that he was right and I was sorry. He later told me people in preschool call other people stinker and poohead and we talked about how that was not nice and that he shouldn't do that. He said he didn't. lol. After Keelie returned home Jonah and I hopped in the car, he kept telling me to come on, and we headed to Sherman to check out costumes at Target. We talked the whole way there and back. Jonah sang a song about colors and pointed out everything that was the certain color he was singing out. Oh, and Jonah dressed himself for our trip. The dew-rag did come off before we got to Target. He asked if it would be okay in my car and I told him that it would because I would lock the doors. He then inquired about the windows to which I said they would be rolled up and locked as well. He then said "What if it grows legs and walks off?" I told him that I didn't think that would happen. Another interesting conversation that Jonah & I had on our outing was about babies. He said "Kristi, did you know Knox came out of Alicia's tummy? How do babies get in there?". I said "Well, when mommies & daddies are married they decide they want to have a baby and then the baby gets in there." Then of course Jonah asks "But how?". I then said "Well, God puts it in there" to which Jonah said "But how does he get his hands in there?". I told him "Well, you know that God can do anything, right Jonah?" and Jonah asked "Like Jesus?". I said "Yes, just like Jesus. So God gives the baby to the mommy." and Jonah just goes "Oh." Get ready Justin & Keelie!
ready to shop
Once in Target we scooped out the costumes. Jonah has to be a 'community helper' for school. In other words, not scary costumes or characters. We grabbed the two costumes that would fit the 'community helper' guideline, a doctor and a fireman. Jonah quickly decided on the fireman costume and then we were off to the toy aisle. We told him he could get a toy at Target after costume shopping. We were in the toy aisle FOREVER. I thought that kiddo would never decide on a toy he wanted. Of course he wanted everything that was expensive and I kept telling him "that's too much" so then he asked "is that too much?" on every item. After awhile I was really ready to go. We turned down a different toy aisle and I spotted a construction set for $10. I showed it to him and he exclaimed "That's what I want!" Yes! We were done. We headed to the check out counter with our purchases in hand. I threw in some gummy snacks for him to have on the ride home. As we were walking out he steered into the coffee shop and grabbed a milk he wanted and started to walk off. I told him we had to pay for it. lol. We got our milk and were good to go. I stopped at Chick-fil-A since I was starving and as the man asked me if that was all Jonah exclaimed "I want something!". I asked him what and he said chocolate milk, so I ordered that for him. After getting our purchases we headed home. As we were driving Jonah said "Kristi...are you sure you know what you are doing?" CRACK ME UP! I love this kid. We made it back to Gunter in one piece. It was a fun outing with Jonah. I'm so glad we both survived! :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Leah!
Leah turned 32 on Friday. Whooo! We celebrated by having drinks at The Fillmore, dinner at Urban Crust, and then hung out at the rooftop bar at Urban Crust. I highly recommend everyone check it out. It's located in downtown Plano and is very yum. You won't regret having pizza there and the atmosphere is very fun. It was a great evening with a wonderful group of girls. Happy 32nd Leah. We love you!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Red Writing's TWOC - # 2 Christmas Memories and Traditions
I absolutely love Christmas! I have fantastic memories of Christmas' past, as well as the traditions we uphold every year.
It has always been a tradition in our family that the presents are opened on Christmas morning. Not Christmas Eve, Christmas morning. One of my favorite memories from Christmas morning is the year I saw the reindeer tracks in the snow in the front yard. I was really young but I still remember this. My dad told me that Santa's reindeer had left tracks out front and he took me to see them. It was awesome. Now of course the reindeer tracks were not real. My dad had created them. But of course I didn't know that until years later. I love that memory.
We traditionally spend Christmas day at my grandparent's house. We open presents, have breakfast, get ready, and head there for lunch. Lunch has been and is always perfect, thanks to Grandma & Mom. When we were younger Court & I couldn't wait for lunch to be over, the dishes to be done, and for presents to be opened. We were beside ourselves until it was present time.
Keelie & I have always exchanged Christmas presents, as long as I can remember. I have many memories of this. For one, Keelie used to not be the best secret keeper and would sometimes tell me what she was giving me. lol. I loved when we would get together to open gifts and we would give each other the same exact thing. It cracked me up to find out in later years that our moms would discuss the presents and decide for us to give each other the same gift so we wouldn't want what the other had. Smart moms.
One year Courtney & I made a nativity to help decorate the living room. We used stuffed sheep, Cabbage Patches, dolls, and other various items to construct this. It was awesome! Our parents loved it. We still talk about it.
When I was in elementary school our Sunday school class made a nativity scene out of felt, glitter, glue, ribbon, and a dowel rod. It looks pretty funny since I was really young when I made it. I love that 20+ years later my mom still hangs it up every year as part of our decorations.
I am very particular about the way my Christmas tree is decorated. It's not that it has to be done any certain way, except that it has to be done my way. I've always been this way. I used to decorate the tree at mom & dad's and not let mom & Court help me. They didn't do it right. LOL! The ugly ornaments, like those given to us by my dad's Aunt Ann, always got hung in the back. I hung the stuffed ornaments that my mom made in the back as well, as they looked out-dated to me. I felt pretty bad the year mom realized what I was doing. She couldn't believe it. Haha. The ornaments from my parent's tree are awesome. They are a collection of ornaments throughout the years. Some of them were made in grade school my Court & me, others were given to my mom by students, still others contain pictures of us throughout the years. These ornaments were so special and mom still won't let me have them for my tree! :)

Okay, I'll stop. I could go on and on and on. I love Christmas and the traditions that are kept and the new memories that are made every year. Merry Christmas!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My 30th!!!
I arrive
After work I was supposed to have dinner at Abuelos with mom, dad, Courtney, Rashahn, and possibly Keelie. I knew my parents were running a bit late as they had headed over from Decatur around 4:30, were going to go get my key's at Discount
The four of us were up by 10:30 and were snacking on cake, chips, cinnamon dessert, and whate
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
2009 State Fair of Texas

I highly recommend the State Fair of Texas. There is fun to be had by all ages. I try to make it at least once every year. You still have time to make it this year as it runs until October 18th. If you can't make it by then definitely start planning for next year. By then someone will have invented some new fried food that we'll all want to try!
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