I enjoy wrapping packages. I always have. I'll admit I don't enjoy it as much now as I used to because nowadays I'm doing it super last minute. But I still like it. I buy a few new rolls of paper each year. I search around for just the perfect roll that screams at me "BUY ME"! Of course I never use an entire roll every year because I have so many to choose from so my wrapping collection is quite big. Then there are the sacks. I try very hard to not use sacks for presents that my family opens on Christmas morning. I usually succeed. I will use sacks for secret santa or a few odds and ends here or there, but there is just something about tearing into wrapping paper that shouts Christmas Morning! Let's not forget about the tissue paper. Last year, or the year before, I came across some red, white, and green tissue paper with glitter. Perfect! Although I have recently realized it's quite messy. I don't mind glitter but after wrapping up a gift last week I found it all over my couch. A little annoying, but still beautiful.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Red Writing's TWOC - #11 Wrapping Paper
*Okay, so I'm behind. Red Writing's TWOC are over but I'm still two weeks behind. I may not finish on time but I am going to finish. :-)
my box of goodies

Last, but certainly not least are the bows. There are the traditional bows that come in sacks. You know, the ones that are various colors and you just peal the paper off and stick them on. Mom showed me a few years ago how to give these bows a little kick. She had seen someone at her school do it. You just cut the loops, except for the middle one, with scissors and it opens it up a bit and gives it a flower effect. Now every year I snazz up my bows like this.
I do try to make a few bows of my own out of ribbon. There is not always time for this but it is a nice added touch to any gift. Last year after a family get together there were a ton of handmade bows, that my aunt had made, about to be thrown away. I snatched these up and have already reused them this year. And what's even better, is when the people you exchange presents with leave without their homemade bows in hand. Then you get to use them again! :-) I'm in charge of the giveaway this week for the TWOC. This prize will consist of a bag of bows, various sacks, homemade bows, and gift tags that can be used for next year.
I actually didn't wrap this gift but thought it was a cute sack used at our secret santa exchange at work.
Monday, December 28, 2009
I'll Be Home For Christmas
I had to work on Christmas Eve. Our company never closes except for Christmas Day. They do however let us off two hours early on Christmas Eve, which I suppose is better than nothing, but as I sit at my desk and think about my loved ones getting a jump start on the holiday I get a little bitter. ;-) And of course I didn't save any vacation days for the holidays. That would have made too much sense. So I arrived at 9 on Christmas Eve, but only had to work until 4. I already had most everything packed and in the car since I hadn't been home for a week due to dog-sitting. I just needed to run home, grab a few odds and ends, get my presents for the family, and Jax (Sylvest had already arrived in Decatur via Mom & Courtney on Sunday). The forecast for Thursday was snow. The weather forecast called for snow and said it would start in the afternoon/evening. It actually started snowing pretty early in the day and the flakes were big. At first it didn't look like it was sticking but the more it snowed the more it started to accumulate. I kept looking out our 4th floor window as the snow progressed (see pics below). It was fun to watch and was definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

My family called early on in the day to say it was snowing there, an hour away. Around 1 they told me the roads were starting to get a bit slick and wondered if I could leave early. I think they were pretty worried I wouldn't make it home for Christmas. I popped off and told Courtney that Jax and I would make it even if it took us 5 hours. Little did I know that this would ring somewhat true. My supervisor and VP were off on Thursday so I went to our sister team's supervisor and asked if there was anyway I could take off early due to the weather. He told me the roads weren't bad (because they really weren't too bad in our area at the time) and said that he couldn't let me leave because we had so much work to be done. I didn't argue and just told my family I couldn't leave early and that I would call them when Jax and I left town. I jumped up and walked out at 4, gathered up stuff at my apt, and was on the road to Decatur at 4:38. The snow was piling up here but the roads didn't seem icy at all. I hopped on the tollway and drove a bit slower than normal, but it really wasn't too bad. I thought "Oh good, my family over-exaggerated, these roads are fine". I was making good progress. The snow was falling pretty heavy and the wind was whipping it across the road but other cars had made pretty good ruts and I was doing fine. My family continued to call me quite often as they had done all afternoon while at work. Something you must understand is that my father is a worry wart. He comes from a LONG line of worry warts. He's also a retired Highway Patrolman. He's seen all the bad stuff and it's pretty much never left his mind. So when one of his own is in a potentially dangerous situation he goes into worry overdrive. Mom said she didn't even have to worry because he was doing enough for the both of them. Anyway, the phone calls kept coming to check on my progress. I made it to Denton and the snow started to get thicker, it was getting dark, and the ruts were much harder to see, but I was still trucking along fine. Slow, but fine. Jax would NOT hush. He meowed the entire way. He'd been alone for 2 days since I was away dog-sitting and the minute I got home I grabbed him up and put him in a crate. He did not care for this. He's also not the best traveler and tends to meow a lot anyway. Let me tell ya, this did NOT help my nerves. Somewhere along the way I noticed that my windshield had cracked. As if I needed any more drama. I had a small knick in the windshield and with the combo of ice, snow, using my windshield wipers, and defroster it cracked. :( I was happy to be getting closer to Decatur. I was getting VERY tired (as I hadn't had a lot of sleep lately) and visibility was getting worse and worse. I just wanted to be done with this. Dad called to see where I was and I told him I was coming up on Imperial (a company on the outskirts of town). All of a sudden I topped a hill and all I could see was a stream of break lights. As far as the eye could see it was break lights. Dad & I figured someone must have had a wreak. We hung up and I sat there. I sat, and sat, and sat, and sat. It was awful. Dad called back to say he'd called the police dept. (of course he had) and they said it was very slick in that section of the road and people were jack-knifing. Crap! I'm already super stressed out, I have no clue how long this is going to take, and I have GOT to pee. I sat there for what seemed like forever and didn't move. The line of cars started to move forward finally but the Dodge pickup in front of me was having issues. His back wheels were just spinning on the snow/ice and he wasn't moving anywhere. I backed up to give him some room but no matter how much backing he did he couldn't get any traction. After a few cars started to go around him I joined in. I felt bad leaving him behind but there was nothing I could do for him. Of course we get around him and then sit forever again. We move just a little bit and then sit. A BMW was having lots of issues as well. The guy driving couldn't get any traction either and his back tires just kept spinning. A man up ahead got out of his truck to try to help him and the minute he stepped out he slipped and was face down on the road. He laid there for a few seconds and then tried getting up with the help of someone else. At this point the sand truck arrived. OUR HERO! The truck started dispersing sand along the road and specifically on the BMW, which was FINALLY able to go after all the sand. We slowly but surely inched along and made it into town.

I was dying. At one point I thought I might have to use the bathroom in my car so the minute I got to the Shell station I hopped out and went in. I didn't know how much longer it might take me to get to mom and dad's since I didn't know what was up ahead of me. I hopped back in my car and tried to take off but I couldn't get out of the parking lot. I had HAD it. This freakin' sucked! I called my parents and started to cry. I couldn't get out of the blasted parking lot and all I wanted to do was be home. My dad said he would jump in the car and come get me. I really didn't want him to have to do this. We didn't both need to be out in this mess. I tried to leave the parking lot in a different direction and this time I made it would, got onto the highway, flipped around and slowly headed to mom and dad's. I pulled in the driveway at 7:45. It had taken me over THREE hours to get there when it normally takes me one. It was awful. I was stressed to the max and in the worse mood. Everyone came out to help me unload. Mom & Dad's drive way was full on huge snow drifts and the yard was covered in deep snow. The official report is that Decatur got 5". The ground was still really covered when I left for work this morning and we are supposed to get more snow on Tuesday. I will not be doing any traveling then!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Red Writing's TWOC - #10 Holiday Parties
One of my favorite things about Christmas are the parties. I look forward to them all year long! :-) One of my favorite parties that I attend yearly is Keelie's Annual Girlie Christmas Party. This year is the 6th annual party. Keelie invites close friends and family, who are girls of course. She always has a fantastic buffet of goodies for us when we arrive. We all bring 3-4 dozen cookies for dessert, as well as a cookie exchange at the end of the night. I love going home with goodies everyone has made. The party is always the Sunday before Christmas, which makes it THIS coming Sunday. Whoo hoo! Keelie added a few different elements last year. She told everyone to wear Christmas PJ's, as well as instructed everyone to bring an ornament. When everyone arrived at the party she told them to pin their ornaments to them and then told them not say a designated word. If you said it, you lost your ornament and the person that caught you got it. Sounds pretty fun to me. I actually missed the party last year, for the first time EVER. An attack of a killer stomach virus will do that to ya. But I'll be there this year and will have two years of partying built up. We also all bring a $15 gift for a Chinese gift exchange. This year Keelie told everyone to bring Christmas platters or cookie jars. I'm excited to see what all the ladies will bring. And of course we try to fit in a game or two. A big hit in years past has been Catch Phrase. Bunko and Mad Gab didn't go over as well. I look forward to this party and will definitely be posting pictures!
2007 - Me & Keelie
all the treats
This week is a busy one for me party wise. Tomorrow I have my Bible Study Christmas Party. We are having a potluck and doing a $5 gift card exchange. This is a fun little group and I have really enjoyed getting to know these people better. I'm excited to have a fellowship night tomorrow. I'm also excited for the gift exchange. Those always get a little crazy.
Saturday evening I have another Christmas Party in Little Elm at the Martin's house. Their 4 year old Emma is hosting! Hehe! Beth told me they worked on the cookies for the party last night. Fun! We are going to snack and just hang out. It'll be a fun crowd. Emma is such a cutie-patootie.
Then of course we are partying all week at work as we do Secret Santa. Secret Santa is a tricky little game. It's a gamble really. You can be really excited or really disappointed. I won't even go into the catastrophe's of years past. Like the time in 5th grade that I got a painted, unfinished, ceramic Easter bunny. No, Christmas is not about the gifts, that's true. I fared pretty well today. I received water and Reese's pieces in a cute little stocking. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.
Merry Christmas! Party like a...Santa Claus?
Saturday evening I have another Christmas Party in Little Elm at the Martin's house. Their 4 year old Emma is hosting! Hehe! Beth told me they worked on the cookies for the party last night. Fun! We are going to snack and just hang out. It'll be a fun crowd. Emma is such a cutie-patootie.
Then of course we are partying all week at work as we do Secret Santa. Secret Santa is a tricky little game. It's a gamble really. You can be really excited or really disappointed. I won't even go into the catastrophe's of years past. Like the time in 5th grade that I got a painted, unfinished, ceramic Easter bunny. No, Christmas is not about the gifts, that's true. I fared pretty well today. I received water and Reese's pieces in a cute little stocking. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.
Merry Christmas! Party like a...Santa Claus?
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Red Writing's TWOC - #9 O Christmas Tree
As of last Sunday my Christmas tree is up! I have a rule. No decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving. Some years it's hard to abide by, but in the end my rule wins out. I just feel that if I decorate before Thanksgiving that Thanksgiving is just skipped over. So like any good rule follower I waited until after the Thanksgiving holiday and then drug out all my goodies last Sunday. I don't know if I'm just slow, too much of a perfectionist when it comes to decorating, or what, but it takes me ALL day, or at least all afternoon, to decorate my tiny apartment. I like things to look a certain way though so I guess that's what takes me forever. I love it though! Especially once it's all completed. My tree is largely decorated with purple and silver accents, with other ornaments thrown in here and there.
Dragging out the 7 foot pre-lit tree. This was an awesome purchase at Wal-Mart 7 years ago. It only cost around $70 and has been a fantastic tree. I haven't even had the troubles of the lights not working (knock on wood) that some of my friends have with their pre-lits over the years. I love my tree!
All set up. Time to spread out the branches. That's my LEAST fav part.
Four crates hold my Christmas decor. They are busting at the seams though and that doesn't even included my wreath or the random knick knacks I didn't pack away and found around the apt after the fact. They ended up in random boxes in storage.
This year I tried something a little different. Instead of wrapping my beads around the tree (which I despise doing) I tied them to the top the tree and just let them fall down the sides and I kind of wound them around the branches some. This was much easier. I decided to do the same thing with some ribbon as well. I think it added a cute touch. And as you can see I use a star and huge bow at the top.
The minute I opened the box this year my cat Sylvester hopped in and starting eating the tree. He does this EVERY year. For the life of me I do not understand why he eats the Christmas tree...but he does. It's so annoying. Because it eventually comes back up and I'm given the all too gross chore of cleaning it up. He ended up being locked in the bedroom so I could decorate.
Red Writing's TWOC - #8 Christmas Wreaths
Okay, so I'm really behind on Red Writing's TWOC. The week of Thanksgiving we were supposed to have done our Christmas Wreaths. I'm going to blame my sinus infection, bronchitis, that pesky thing called work, and busy Thanksgiving week on not getting mine done. Okay, enough excuses. I FINALLY completed it yesterday. I actually took the Christmas wreath that I had made around 6 years ago, ripped everything off of it, and created a new wreath. The new one is a bit gaudy, but as Keelie told me, that's what Christmas is. :) I call it my HoHoHo wreath. You can see why. ;-)
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