I used a Funfetti cake mix & icing, LA's favorite. Then there was the ready-to-use white fondant from Wal-Mart and the multi-pack of black, light & dark brown, and pink from Michael's. Fyi, Michael's has an AMAZING aisle full of baking/decorating supplies. I LOVED it! I grabbed some cornstarch because I read online it would help if the fondant was sticky when you tried to roll and knead it. It really came in handy. Then of course you need cookie cutters to cut out the fondant. Party America & Party City came in handy when it came to the fangs and Twilight magnets and bookmarks, which I hot glued to the cookie sticks so I could stick them in the cupcakes. Of course I also needed assorted decorating tips, glitter & sprinkles, decorator icing bags, and edible color markers. Somewhere in there I hit up Hobby Lobby too. My shopping became a bit obsessive.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
How To Make Twilight Cupcakes
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Fishy Lunch
We have a pond/lake behind our building at work. It's a pretty, serene area with a fountain, willow trees, walking path around it, and is full of fish. The week before last Deborah & I noticed someone feeding the fish bread during our lunch break. We thought this was a great idea, so we both brought our old bread to feed them as well. I'm not sure how healthy it is to feed bread to fish but they LOVE it! As you can tell, they all gather around and actually fight over the pieces. We quickly figured out the sly gray fish are the fastest at grabbing the bread. The big fish and turtle don't get to enjoy it as much because they are way too slow. We found it hilarious when the fish would jump out of the water and splash us! The two days we fed the fish were SO relaxing, even in the 100 degree weather. It was a great way to de-stress on our lunch break. Too bad we had to return to the sea of cubicles when our hour was up!
Splish splash!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Twi-hard? Really?
Yes folks, I am ADDICTED! No, addicted may not be the right word...OBSESSED. Yes, that's more like it. "Hi, I'm Kristi and I'm a...Twi-hard."
It's really all Leigh Ann's fault. She's been telling me forever that I would LOVE Twilight. That it was my kind of story. I would just roll my eyes at her and never gave it a second thought. I don't read, so count me out of reading 4 500+ page books and I did NOT want to see those movies. I don't even like Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as actors...UNTIL NOW.
Leigh Ann bought me the Twilight book as a gift over two months ago. I thought "Oh great, I'm going to feel bad that she wasted her money on getting me this because I'm never going to read the thing." But then boredom set in late one night when I couldn't sleep and I saw the book laying on my coffee table. I thought "Why not? Maybe it'll put me to sleep." Little did I know that was JUST the beginning. I started reading and was hooked. I couldn't put it down. I read it in just three days and it had 498 pages. ME...read a book...and it was Twilight for pete's sake. Aren't teenage girls supposed to be the only ones reading this mess?! So of course I had to see what happened next with Edward, Bella, and Jacob. I got my hands on New Moon and finished it in three days as well. I LOVED these characters. (Totally Team Edward, by the way!) When I wasn't reading the books I was thinking about them. Really?! Who does that. Right after I finished New Moon I quickly ran down to Kroger and bought Eclipse. Thank goodness for their book section! However I was a bit embarrassed by the conversation with the lady working the register, the sack girl, and the sack boy from the next register. I'm pretty sure my face turned red and I hung my head. Yes, I LOVE these books but I kinda don't want the world to know this 30 year old is reading them! lol! Just like the other books I finished Eclipse in three days as well. And of course it was unbearably good at this point, and I hadn't purchased Breaking Dawn yet so I couldn't keep reading. I had friends in town for the weekend and wasn't able to get to a store to buy it. I was like someone who needed their drug fix. I was definitely having withdrawals. I couldn't sleep while my friends were in town and was bitterly mad I didn't have Breaking Dawn to get me through the night. After they left town I headed to Target to grab a copy. This book took me a week to read because life got in the way and it was 754 pages. I was holding my breath during the whole book though. I KNEW how I wanted it to end but had NO CLUE what direction author Stephenie Meyer was going to take it. I have NEVER been so wrapped up in fictional characters.
No, I didn't purchase 'Robsessed' at Wal-Mart, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to!
So what does one do when they finish reading a series/saga and have watched all the available movies? One visits the author's website and reads Midnight Sun, which is Twilight from Edwards perspective. Unfortunately she stops halfway through the book, right when it's getting good, because it had been leaked on the internet. She says she'll finish it some day. She better. It's AWESOME! Then when you are done with that you can always re-read all the books again. Would that be crazy?! Nah, I don't think so. I just finished re-reading Twilight this past weekend. ;-)
Now I leave you with a paragraph from New Moon where Edward is trying to convince Bella of his love for her. Yes it's cheesy, but awesome. I think that's why I love the story so. It's a love story, just with vampires and werewolves. Ha! It definitely pulls at the romantic girl heart strings in me. If you haven't read the books or seen the movies rush out and do so right now. Go! Seriously! Oh, but the books are better than the movies and THAT'S coming from a girl who never reads...UNTIL NOW."Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars - points of light and reason. ...And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything."
Awe...I swoon.