This past weekend I flew to Lubbock to watch Erin graduate from Texas Tech medical school. It was a quick trip and very busy, but lots of fun. The hooding ceremony took place on Friday afternoon. This is a ceremony where the achievements of the graduating

students are recognized with an academic hood. This ceremony signifies the successful completion of the graduates medical school training and welcomes them into the medical profession. If you have a doctor in your family then they can hood you. Since Erin's mom - Ramona Cerretti, DVM, dad - Don Woller, DVM, & sister - Robin Woller, DVM, are all docs they all got to hood her. This was very special. I think, if I remember correctly, that there was only one other student that had this many people to hood them. This was also special because Robin, is also a good friend of mine and we all grew up in the same small town, and of course I know her family and my own family has used her parents for years as their veterinarians. After the hooding ceremony we went to a reception for the grads. After waiting in a very long line and eating some yummy food we headed back to the hotel and gave Erin her graduation gifts. Then we headed to a cocktail party for the graduates. We waited in another long line and again got some very yum food. We also got to meet some of Erin's friends from school which was fun.
Saturday eve

ning we were up bright and early to make it to Erin's 10 am graduation. After a little trouble finding the arena we headed inside to beat the impending rain and found the seats Chazz, Erin's fiance, had saved for us. It was really neat to watch the ceremony as this time, unlike the hooding, they announced each person as DOCTOR. I got some good shots of Erin getting her diploma. It was great hearing DOCTOR Erin Marie Woller announced. I'm very proud of her, as I am of my other doc friends. They have worked hard and are doing a great job to help others! It was a great weekend, and as I told Erin in her graduation card (along with a picture of her in high school with a diary heifer) she's come a long way! ;-)
Congrats to your friend. Jenna was in Lubbock this past weekend as well.