Yesterday my day was full of little children. I attended Emma's 4th Birthday Party at a splash park in Frisco. Below she is sampling the sand (sugar) that surrounds her awesome flip flop cake.
After the birthday party I headed to Southlake to meet Ashlee & Dylan for lunch at Cheesecake Factory. This was my first time to meeting Dylan, who was born 2 1/2 months ago.
Isn't Dylan just precious? :-)
After lunch in Southlake I headed to Gunter to see Keelie and the kiddos. I hadn't seen Jonah & Glory in quite a while and a visit was long over due. I realized on the way that I didn't have my usual present for Jonah. Thankfully he didn't inquire about it when I arrived. He was too busy being a goofball. In the picture below his shorts are on his head, which he was resisting putting on. Jonah did end up with a toy after our visit to Cracker Barrel. He wanted to know if I had enough money for the toy in his hand. I asked him how much it was. He told me $2. I looked at the tag and told him it was $6.99. He asked if I had that much! LOL! How could I resist?! Keelie & I did talk him into the $4.99 train set though. Oh, that boy!
Glory was so cute and she's getting so big. She'll be one next month! She does this precious little nose crinkle when she smiles. It's just great. She kept doing it and cracking me up. Oh, and she LOVES her big brother. She laughs at him a lot. She's getting close to walking. She's a speed crawler and is pulling up on everything.
Cute! Cute! Cute!