I love Reba. Always have, always will. I wanted to be her when I was younger. No, I can't sing, but she has red hair like I do and therefore, I wanted to be her. lol. She's always been my favorite...always. I LOVED the big hair days. That's when I REALLY wanted to be her. I've seen her in concert multiple times. There were the Six Flags years. Growing up we had season tickets to Six Flags so we went a lot, and we also went to a lot of the concerts in the Music Mill Amphitheater. We saw Reba there TWICE. She was AMAZING. I think that is when my love of concerts began. She was a FANTASTIC performer. I loved how she would change clothes throughout the concert. She'd leave the stage for 1 min and co

me back in something more amazing than she had on a minute ago. I saw her back in 2004 at Nokia Theater. She was fantastic there as well. We had pretty awesome seats which made the experience that much better. Sugarland opened for her. They were nobodies back then, but I digress. We went to the first event at Cowboy Stadium back in June, which was a Reba McEntire/George Strait concert. As true to form, she was excellent. I also love her TV that aired from 2001-2007. I watch it in reruns all the time and I was thrilled when Vanessa gave me 4 seasons of it for my birthday! Whooo!
So of course back in September when Courtney called and told me she was coming to Allen I was in to going to the concert. Court, Heather, & I headed to the first

event ever at the
Allen Event Center last night to see my beloved Reba. The Allen Event Center is definitely the smallest venue I've ever seen her in. It was also a different crowd then your normal country concerts. I didn't seen any of the half-dressed girls getting drunk, which was pretty refreshing. It was a much older crowd. The seats at the center were incredibly uncomfortable though, just an fyi incase you visit this venue in the future. If you are not a size 0 you will not enjoy this seating experience, but despite that, Reba was GREAT. She sang a lot of the songs off her new album, which is awesome, as well as the old stuff. As usual I walked away thinking about how terrific she is. Other performers may come and go, but Reba...well, she'll always be my favorite.
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