I spent the first part of my Saturday with Keelie, Justin, Jonah, & Glory. They had come to the mall today so the kiddos could get out of the house and have some playtime. I love Jonah & Glory. I live vicariously through Keelie & Justin since I have no kids of my own. The best part...I get to play with and spoil them and then Keelie & Justin have to take them home. Hehe. ;-)

I met up with them as they were getting on the carousel. Keelie & I watched from the sidelines as Justin rode along with the kids. I'm not sure that Glory knew what to think about it all. Jonah loved it though and always had a smile on his face as they went past us.

After carousel time we headed to Barnes & Noble so the kids could play with the Thomas Train set. I think Glory may have enjoyed it more than Jonah. She was cracking herself up as she shoved the trains upside down into the bridges. She also tried to climb onto the table a few times as well. At one point I looked down and she had three trains in her little fists and the other kids at the table had none. She doesn't quite have sharing down yet. It was pretty funny. I know I shouldn't have laughed but I couldn't quite help it when Keelie told Jonah to go play some more and he looked at the train table of all girls and explained "But I don't like girls!"
After train time we headed to the food court. Jonah was apparently starving, and I was hungry as well. The kiddos and I enjoyed nuggets and fries. Glory has a bit of an appetite. She always wanted to be eating something. I guess it was only fair that if Jonah and I were eating she needed to as well. :-)
After food we headed to the play area outside Sears. Us girls left the boys there and we went to shop around Sears a bit. While Keelie was in the clothing room Glory and I did laps with the stroller around the store...she riding, me pushing. Hehe. If we kept moving she wouldn't want out so I kept doing figure-eights through the clothing racks. She thought this was pretty funny. Especially since I was talking to her the whole time and making noises. The other customers looked at me at bit funny. Oh well. :P
I was pretty tired by the time we parted ways, I shopped a bit, and headed home to clean. I must be getting old. Haha. I had a great Saturday with the Fergusons though. Love them!
Just found your blog through To Everything A Season...I love it! So colorful, bright and cheery! And I see you live in Frisco...I was born and raised in Plano and my parents still live there. My husband and I live in Keller - by Grapevine. Can't wait to read more from you soon!!
ReplyDeleteI think its funny how you document my children with stories and pics better than I do. Oh well. When they get older and want to see pics of when they were little, I'll just send them to Aunt Kirsti's.
ReplyDeleteWe had fun!