Yesterday was the 20th Annual Komen North Texas Race for the Cure. It was a day of mixed emotions. I was very sad that Mom wasn't able to be there, especially considering she's battling breast cancer for the 3rd time. Mom was in town until midnight the night before the Race, but due to a family emergency with Grandma, she needed to head home. All is well, but she wasn't able to return to the Race.
It was a great day weather wise. It stayed overcast with a nice breeze for most of the time. I saw on CBS 11 that we had over 11,000 people registered for the Race. There were tons of SURVIVOR'S there which was amazing, because that's what it's all about. I really enjoyed taking photographs of the SURVIVORS, Elizabeth's Garden tulips, and the pink ribbons. They are terrific tributes in memory of and in honor of courageous men and women.
I'm so thankful to the Susan G. Komen organization. Without the money they raise for breast cancer we wouldn't have made the amazing strides we have toward eradicating this terrible disease. I believe there will be a cure! That's why we do this!!!!!

Nerissa Knight, CBS 11 anchor, interviews 50 year 3 time breast cancer SURVIVOR Evelyn Kramer

Our reason to Race!

The tulip I made for Mom, which was part of a CBS 11 News feature this past week. CBS's Nerissa Knight and camera women attended one of our tulip meetings a few weeks ago and filmed us working on tulips. Yes, I'm famous now! lol!

Mom's pink ribbons

More tulips!

My girls - Heather, Court, & Keelie

My work crew - Deborah, Vincent, Caryn & her hubby Brian

Debby & Angela after the SURVIVOR celebration.
Joy, Leigh Ann, Leah, me, & Marge. SO glad they came!

Hannah even participated in her first Race at 7 months old!

Best buds
Beautiful! :) I'm an ovarian cancer survivor myself (ten years now, wow!) but my grandmother died of breast cancer in her early 50s. :( She died many years before I was born so I was never able to meet her and she told my mom that that was her biggest regret, not meeting her grandchildren. :( So, thank you for walking and bringing increased awareness to this awful disease.