I've always enjoyed dressing up for Halloween...then and now.

1981 - I'm Cookie Monster & Keelie's a Clown
1986 - Trick-or-Treating with our neighbors and best friends
Superwoman - Courtney, Cheerleader - Keelie, Football Player - John, & Cheerleader - me

1987 - Mrs. Jordan's 2nd Grade Class - Decatur Elementary School

1991 - Heading to school - me as a hobo and Courtney a clown
2007 - Dressing up & pumpkin carving at my apt - Leah, Marge, Leigh Ann, & me
2007 - Heading out to the Haunted Forest - Marge, Paul, Riley, Leah, Leigh Ann, & me
2007 - Countrywide - Me & Rashahn as Thing 1 & Thing 2
2008 - Countrywide - Superman (Robert) & The Wicked Witch (me)
I can't believe that I hadn't commented before this. I can't believe how long your hair was in 2007! It seems weird to say that was so long ago. . . but i guess it was huh? Also, I don't think that we will ever be able to top the Thing One and Thing Two. . . . I'm just saying.